State Normal School

The Geneseo Normal and Training School officially opened on September 13, 1871, with 71 certificate-seeking students, and offered programs in Elementary English, Advanced English, and the Classical Course. A normal school is an institution created to train teachers by educating them in the norms of pedagogy and curriculum. The normal school’s first building, Old Main's design was adapted from Fredonia’s Normal School an featured an 11,418-square-foot, 3-story building was steam-heated, gas-lit, and had hot and cold running water. The top floor served as a boarding hall to female students who paid $3.50 per week for room and use of the laundry facilities. The boarding hall provided “parlors for students, assembly room, which might be used for calisthenics for lady students, lavatories, and sleeping apartments.” Old Main stood for eighty years and was razed in 1951–52.
Original Format
photograph; b&w
Physical Dimensions
4.5in. x 3.5in.
Creator Details
Document Type
Still Image
Date Digitized
December 2013
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File Size
5.7 MB
Please cite as: College Archives, Milne Library, State University of New York at Geneseo. For usage beyond Fair Use, please contact Milne Library.
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