Faculty and Staff, Identified

Rosalind R. Fisher came to Geneseo as Dean of Women in 1950. Prior to her tenure at Geneseo, she had served two years as a Red Cross Program Director in the British Isles during World War II. She served the College as Associate Dean of Students, Professor of English, Chairman for the Faculty, and State University Senator. Author,"The stone strength of the past. Centennial history of the State University College of Arts and Science at Geneseo, New York" (Wm. J. Keller Inc., 1971). The Rosaalind R. Fisher award, named for her, is granted each year to a senior for outstanding achievement in Student Teaching in English. A certificate is presented at the School of Education Convocation.
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Still Image
Date Digitized
March 2015
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1.9 MB
Please cite as: College Archives, Milne Library, State University of New York at Geneseo. For usage beyond Fair Use, please contact Milne Library.
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