Building Creative Community


With the unprecedented opportunity to publish across an endless number of venues online, print media is more important than ever before. There is something incredibly special and intimate in holding a physical copy of your own writing. Our campus literary journal, The Reflector, was established in 1957, and has remained an important space and community for our students, despite changing and developing in many ways over the past sixty-six years. Our submitters and production team take great pride in witnessing their work finally in print, and it helps connect them to a creative community which is further fostered in our club. We will be examining some of the ways that our journal has been shaped by changes in society and culture throughout the years, and how we have continually adapted in order to better serve our students and their ability to share their voices on our campus.

Start Date

3-11-2023 11:00 AM

End Date

3-11-2023 12:00 PM


Welles Hall 131

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Nov 3rd, 11:00 AM Nov 3rd, 12:00 PM

Building Creative Community

Welles Hall 131

With the unprecedented opportunity to publish across an endless number of venues online, print media is more important than ever before. There is something incredibly special and intimate in holding a physical copy of your own writing. Our campus literary journal, The Reflector, was established in 1957, and has remained an important space and community for our students, despite changing and developing in many ways over the past sixty-six years. Our submitters and production team take great pride in witnessing their work finally in print, and it helps connect them to a creative community which is further fostered in our club. We will be examining some of the ways that our journal has been shaped by changes in society and culture throughout the years, and how we have continually adapted in order to better serve our students and their ability to share their voices on our campus.