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My poster explores statistics and research involving the treatment of Black mothers in the U.S. The research explores the risk factors both black and white pregnant mothers face and how that compares to Low Birth Weight (LBW) which contributes to infant mortality rates in the United States. I detail the inequities and intersectionality black women to face and how inherently racist medical practices have affected generations of black women and children stemming through childbirth and stress risk factors.


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Apr 26th, 12:00 AM

376— The Reality for Black Mothers: The U.S. Health Care System and Infant Mortality Rates

My poster explores statistics and research involving the treatment of Black mothers in the U.S. The research explores the risk factors both black and white pregnant mothers face and how that compares to Low Birth Weight (LBW) which contributes to infant mortality rates in the United States. I detail the inequities and intersectionality black women to face and how inherently racist medical practices have affected generations of black women and children stemming through childbirth and stress risk factors.


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