Presenter Information

Grace Dempsey, SUNY GeneseoFollow

Submission Type


Start Date



This research explores the fast fashion industry and its climate and environmental impacts. It poses an investigation on the industry's carbon footprint and impact on climate change with both supply chains and the demand side of fast fashion, as well as how media have an obligation to now teach sustainability and conscious consumerism. The platform for disseminating my research is a sustainable fashion blog website that aims to condense the research into an engaging discussion with pictures, data, and advice on how to shop sustainably. The blog also discusses the impacts of influencers and their “clothing hauls” and how the media pushes fashion trends with shorter lifespans. The goal of the site is to motivate people to act in their communities, families and their own lives. I hope to inspire my readers and call to mind the importance behind sustainable shopping and how collectively, smart shopping can and will help to save our earth.


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Apr 21st, 12:00 AM

223 -- Exploring linkages between fast fashion and climate change.

This research explores the fast fashion industry and its climate and environmental impacts. It poses an investigation on the industry's carbon footprint and impact on climate change with both supply chains and the demand side of fast fashion, as well as how media have an obligation to now teach sustainability and conscious consumerism. The platform for disseminating my research is a sustainable fashion blog website that aims to condense the research into an engaging discussion with pictures, data, and advice on how to shop sustainably. The blog also discusses the impacts of influencers and their “clothing hauls” and how the media pushes fashion trends with shorter lifespans. The goal of the site is to motivate people to act in their communities, families and their own lives. I hope to inspire my readers and call to mind the importance behind sustainable shopping and how collectively, smart shopping can and will help to save our earth.


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