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Wilkins Creek is a significant source of sediment to Conesus Lake. Spring Creek is the largest tributary to Wilkins Creek and flows through the village of Livonia, whereas above the confluence Wilkins drains predominantly agricultural lands. This study seeks to evaluate the impact of land use on the sediment transport in the streams. Thirty gravel to cobble sized rocks were collected from the bed of Wilkins Creek. Their dimensions and mass were measured and then each rock was marked to be easily identifiable. Rocks were paired based on size, shape and mass, and then split into two roughly equal sets. One set was returned to Wilkins Creek and the other set to Spring Creek in a similar stream setting. The location of each rock was recorded. The movement of the rocks is being monitored after precipitation and meltwater events throughout the Spring. The total distance traveled by each rock is being recorded to determine if one stream moves sediment farther. The results of this study will ascertain if the developed Spring Creek watershed contributes more sediment to Conesus Lake than Wilkins Creek. Ideally, this study will help inform future Conesus Lake storm water management efforts.

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