"Building Responsive Library Collections with the Getting It System Too" by Tim Bowersox, Cyril Oberlander et al.



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The Getting It System Toolkit (GIST), a suite of free and open source tools & software, leverages systems to optimize library acquisitions and deselection workflow, reducing the staff time necessary to make informed decisions and process materials. The Toolkit is divided into two functions:

GIST for ILLiad consists of three components that enhance the ILLiad® interlibrary loan request management software: addons, webpage customizations, and the acquisitions manager. All three components may be selectively utilized in ILLiad, for instance, ILLiad web pages may be applied to enhance the end-user request interface to add full-text discovery, or an ILLiad Addon can help ILL’s purchase on demand program discover the best way to purchase items difficult to borrow. By combining all three and customizing these components for your library, you achieve significant benefits and optimize the combination of Acquisitions and ILL services.

The GIST Gift & Deselection Manager (GDM) is designed to manage and streamline library workflow for processing gifts and evaluating materials for weeding. It is standalone open-source software that automates the gathering of data for evaluating donations; including holdings, edition comparisons, full-text, and other data. The GDM also enables collection managers to perform item-by-item deselection or use the batch analysis tool to create custom deselection reports for large weeding projects.

Building Responsive Library Collections with the Getting It System Toolkit combines helpful how-tos from the developers themselves, and first-hand implementation accounts from users of these time-saving tools. The volume is split into the Toolkit’s use with ILLiad and GDM, providing easy reference for users. This manual is an invaluable resource to any library using, or considering using, the Getting It System Toolkit.

With contributions by:

  • Kerri Goergen-Doll, Oregon State University
  • Eric Joslin, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Ryan Litsey, Texas Tech University
  • Micquel Little, Monroe Community College, formerly at St. John Fisher College
  • Katherine Mason, Central Michigan University, formerly at Old Dominion University
  • Kate Ross, St. John Fisher College
  • Susanna Van Sant, Tompkins Cortland Community College



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Milne Library Publishing


Geneseo, New York

Building Responsive Library Collections with the Getting It System Toolkit
