Albert Dohse Performance, Silver Lake, NY, 1986
James W. Kimball
This is an informal performance by Albert Dohse playing German music. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Clarence Maher Family Concert and Square Dance, 1987
James W. Kimball
This recording has musical events. [0:00-17:02] The first is an informal performance at a family gathering. [17:03-35:29] The second is a square dance with Walt Dilcher calling. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Footage of Ossian Town Hall and Grange Hall, Ossian, NY, 1992
James W. Kimball
This recording is footage of the Town Hall and Grange Hall in Ossian, NY, showing the former stage and dancing area and other parts of the interior and exterior. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Mark Hamilton and His Fiddle, Cassette Recording
James W. Kimball
This is a recording of Marvin “Mark” Hamilton playing and singing traditional fiddle tunes and songs.
Party with Harold Rossborough, Hal Kibler, Helen Kibler and others, NY, 1977
James W. Kimball
This is an informal music session at a house party. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Personal Recording of John L. Lusk, Holley, NY, 1970
James W. Kimball
This is a recording of John L. Lusk playing and singing traditional old time and country music.
Personal Recording of Ken Bonner, 1982
James W. Kimball
Recording made by Ken Bonner, performing and commenting on his collection of fiddle tunes. Some of them are his own compositions. Alice Colvin Clemens is accompanying him.
Personal Recording with Phil VanArsdale, 1987
James W. Kimball
This is a personal recording of Phil VanArsdale playing traditional tunes the hammer dulcimer, many learned from his grandfather, Jesse Martin.
Recording from Dave Hall, 1990s
James W. Kimball
This is a dubbed recording of various country and old time music, given to Jim Kimball by Dave Hall. Some of it may contain Dave performing. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Several Interviews and Performances, 1980s
James W. Kimball
This recording has an interview and singing performances. [0:00-16:12] The interview is with Izell Wimes. [16:13-21:39] The first performance is of the Catalano family. [21:40-26:24] The second performance is Vietnamese women singing several songs. [26:25-35:29] The third performance is of children. The recording of this public events was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Sound Recording of Albert Dohse, Silver Lake, NY, 1980s
James W. Kimball
This is a recording of Albert Dohse giving an informal concert about the tunes he knows. The recording of this public event was made in full view of attendees and with knowledge by the sponsor or venue.
Studio Recording with Ken Bonner, Bloomville, NY, 1983 and Square Dance with Ken Bonner, Toad Hill Stud Farm, NY, 1981
James W. Kimball
This entry has two recordings with Ken Bonner. [0:00-22:00] The first is a professional recording of Ken playing fiddle tunes. [22:00-34:17] The second is a square dance where Ken is playing with George Pratt.