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Book Chapter

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Long before higher education’s most recent shift to antiracist practices and policies, many universities and colleges implemented summer bridge programs (SBPs) to assist students from diverse backgrounds in adjusting to the rigors of college. The library instruction program incorporated into the SBP at the State University of New York (SUNY) College at Geneseo is a product of the librarians’ understanding of the importance of advocating for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students. The research instruction librarians take a proactive approach to inclusion, diversity, equity, and antiracism (IDEA).


This chapter will be included in the upcoming (2024) ACRL book:

Leathersich, B., Otero Ramos, A., Witt, A., & West, B. K. (2024). Moving toward belonging: Library integration in a summer bridge program. In N. Tran, M. J. Aguilar II, & A. Poo (Eds.), Creating an inclusive library: Approaches for increasing engagement and use with students of color. ACRL Press.

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