

Fuller (2012) defines wonder experiences from a positive perspective, with an added emphasis to the beauty of life, the unexpectedness of life, and the inexplicable nature of life itself. He distinguishes wonder from awe when he states: “wonder differs from awe, however, in that it isn’t accompanied by fear or submission. Wonder diminishes the sense of self, yet does so without inducing interpersonal submissiveness” (p. 70). However, my experiences addressing anxiety experiences suggested to me how movement away from negative experiences can allow one to see the good from those ‘bad’ experiences, which in turn emits wonder. In order to explore this insight, I used sociological introspection. I contemplated the emotions and feelings I had when journaling about my negative anxiety experiences, and how those may be a source of wonder today. I journaled consistently for two weeks, and then continued to check in with my progress once every couple of weeks after the initial period. This was such a transformative process for me that I can hear the excitement in the words I shared. I experience wonder through the knowledge that I can make it out of some of the worst days I face, and because I know I have completely accepted myself for all I am.
