

The roots and tops from Anaphalis margaritacea, commonly referred to as Pearly Everlasting, were extracted using a mixture of ether and petroleum ether and analyzed through the use of various spectroscopic techniques. Dr. Ferdinand Bohlmann previously reported a thirteen carbon chlorinated polyacetylene found in the roots of Anaphalis species that was of much interest due to its structural similarity to known antibacterial and antifungal compounds. The goal was to successfully isolate and characterize this compound, known as (E)-5-chloro-2-(octa-2,4,6-triynylidene)-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran, as well as identify other compounds previously unidentified in A. margaritacea.

Although this particular compound has not been identified yet, various other compounds have, including terpenes, unsaturated compounds, and ring systems. These compounds are of interest in their own right, as they too may be useful as pharmaceuticals or antimicrobial agents.
