

This paper centers on research-supported ways of implementing dynamic geometry software into mathematics courses, specifically into high school geometry. The Next Generation Standards state, “For scaffolding purposes, the use of a variety of tools and methods for construction is encouraged. These scaffolds include compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc. Dynamic geometry environments provide students with experimental and modeling tools that allow them to investigate geometric phenomena using visualization, reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems, in much the same way as computer algebra systems allow them to experiment with algebraic phenomena. Students can create geometric models and ideas to solve not only problems in mathematics, but in other disciplines or everyday situations.” I discuss an overview of the research that supports the implementation of such mathematical technology to further student learning and achievement, as well as criteria for effective implementation of such technological activities. Moreover, this paper addresses the obstacles educators face when implementing technology, as well as suggestions to overcome said obstacles. Finally, I share a sample lesson plan (see Appendix B) using Desmos, a computer application created according to the research criteria that engages high school geometry students in exploration of transformations using dynamic geometry software.


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APPENDIX A.docx (114 kB)
APPENDIX B- Lesson Plan.docx (385 kB)
Lesson plan

APPENDIX C.docx (441 kB)
