
"Mothblood" is a 28-poem transpoetics collection written over the course of 2023. It is divided into five chapters, each tackling a different theme: Confession, Obsession, Relapse, Recovery, and God. The poems discuss life and love in a trans body, mental health, fear, desire, faith, and shame.

*Content Warnings*

Eating disorder behaviors in "Easy pt. 1" and "If You Want a Girlfriend." Self-harm mentions in "Explaining Myself," "Illusions of Choice at 11 pm," "Ritual," and "Listening to a Sermon."

How might we use in-person and online poetry workshops alongside an online collection of written works to grow both community and self-expression for transgender people living in rural areas? Although about 16% of transgender people in the US live in rural areas, there are far less support structures in these parts of the country. Rural transgender people are also more visible than their urban counterparts and are more likely to live in states that are less likely to have legislation in place that protects transgender people. Therefore, my ambassadorship will include holding online and in-person poetry workshops that encourage self-expression and community building among Queer people in rural areas. I will also be creating and collecting poetry to post online via a website dedicated to this topic.

Ambassadorship Award Granted

Keith '11 and Joanna '13 Walters Artist-in-Residence Ambassadorship

Faculty Affiliation


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