Submission Type


Start Date

April 2021


The Applications in Neuroscience (NEUR 215) course allows SUNY Geneseo neuroscience majors to share their knowledge and interests with local elementary-aged children through a partnership with the local R-Kids program. R-Kids is an afterschool program that provides children with homework tutors and interactive enrichment activities. Due to COVID-19, NEUR 215 activities were entirely online and designed to be done virtually by the children at home. Activities were designed to increase interest in STEM-related fields, particularly neuroscience. Topics covered during the enrichment sessions included the neurons’ anatomy, neurotransmitters, learning, memory, brain health, and brain safety. These topics were covered through Google slides by providing brief and age-appropriate information. After covering the topics, interactive activities ensued, such as the egg-drop, virtual memory games, and kahoots. The children, across three sessions, were engaged and remembered many topics as shown during the end-of-class jeopardy game. Neuroscience students began the semester with little if any experience lesson planning for children, but quickly learned skills for making enrichments effective and efficient. All students felt that over the course of the semester, they had stimulated the children’s interest in neuroscience and perhaps also motivated their educational futures.


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Apr 26th, 12:00 AM

054— Introducing Young Minds to Topics in Neuroscience

The Applications in Neuroscience (NEUR 215) course allows SUNY Geneseo neuroscience majors to share their knowledge and interests with local elementary-aged children through a partnership with the local R-Kids program. R-Kids is an afterschool program that provides children with homework tutors and interactive enrichment activities. Due to COVID-19, NEUR 215 activities were entirely online and designed to be done virtually by the children at home. Activities were designed to increase interest in STEM-related fields, particularly neuroscience. Topics covered during the enrichment sessions included the neurons’ anatomy, neurotransmitters, learning, memory, brain health, and brain safety. These topics were covered through Google slides by providing brief and age-appropriate information. After covering the topics, interactive activities ensued, such as the egg-drop, virtual memory games, and kahoots. The children, across three sessions, were engaged and remembered many topics as shown during the end-of-class jeopardy game. Neuroscience students began the semester with little if any experience lesson planning for children, but quickly learned skills for making enrichments effective and efficient. All students felt that over the course of the semester, they had stimulated the children’s interest in neuroscience and perhaps also motivated their educational futures.


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